Today is one of those days where I really wish I was just at my parent's house, hanging out with my little sisters, watching The Office and crocheting. Instead I am at work, wishing that my lunch could last a litttttle longer.
In more content news, a friend of mine came over last night to learn how to knit a beanie, so she knitted and I crocheted, and fun was had by all. I even had time to do some cleaning up, and made a giant taco salald - in between watching Project Runway and Top Design.
I am still head over heels for these granny square bags - in fact, I got one more custom order, so I need to get yarn for that.
OOOH I don't know if I mentioned a very, very cool gift that someone gave me - a coworker tha
t I turned onto etsy ( - go there!) is a photographer, and I was complaining about my lack of photographic skills... so the next day, guess what he brings me?
My very own lightbox! Yay! I am so excited to use this. I took a few photos with it, and I am so impressed by how much more professional the photos look. This picture is one of the ones I took with the lightbox - how cool is that?? I'll tell ya - freaking cool!
Alright. Lunch is over. Can't wait til five. Delivering one of my sold etsy orders after work, and then karate and hopefully some crocheting in there somewhere!!!
That's a good looking mug.
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