As you may or may not know, I work for a company called Project Independence. We serve adults with developmental disabilities all throughout Orange County. That means we help over 750 people who have mental retardation, autism, and Down Syndrome live more independently. We do this through several programs - Independent Living, Supported Employment, Behavioral Supports, Day Programs, Banking and Budgeting, and Access to Adventure, our travel/recreational program.
We are a non-profit organization, and it is frequently hard to provide every service we wish we could give. This December we are holding a Holiday Ball in Anaheim for all of our clients - and one thing we would like to do is give every client a gift. Sadly, we can't afford to buy a present for every single person, so we are holding a raffle instead!
I have been soliciting items from corportations and businesses - and it suddenly occurred to me that I am part of a community that could make a HUGE difference! Why didn't I think of it before? Etsy + Raffle items = THE BEST GIFTS EVER!
So I am asking you, my fellow fine-feathered etsy folk, to donate something beautiful and handmade to our Holiday Raffle. I have a Federal tax ID # to give to you, and you will be listed in the next newsletter as a supporter of our organization. So not only will it make you feel warm and fuzzy, but you'll be spreading the joy of making and giving handmade to a population that has been exposed plenty to what they see in tv commercials, but maybe not to the fabulous handmade creation YOU can make!
Please contact me either through a comment on this page, through a conversation on my etsy site (, or by emailing me at
THANK YOU ETSIANS! Together we can save the world from mass production!

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