Monday, December 1, 2008

gray outside

Just a quick update - it's gray and cold outside, strangely unmotivating. It was hard to get out of bed this morning. I've been feeling a little -flat- lately... needing something to happen to distinguish my days or my life, or my..something. Thanksgiving was nice. Eating dinner on my birthday was nice too. The 40 minute bike ride I went on yesterday was fiercely blissful. I was angry yesterday, and frustrated, and didn't want to sit and stew at home, so I got on my bike. It was almost sunset, and cold, and I enjoyed the parts where I had to work hard over the gravel surfaces of ghetto HB and I enjoyed the hill on Gothard where I didn't pedal and just felt wind. I rode for about 40 minutes and didn't notice the time. When I got back my cheeks were pink and I felt like I'd worked out, even though I didn't feel like it while I was riding.

Then Adam and I carved the turkey I'd roasted - oh - yeah, did I mentioned I roasted a whole turkey yesterday? Criminey. Turkeys are huge. I was fine until I reached in to pull out the neck. I felt violently ill, and threw it across the room into the sink. Then I went to the front yard, jumped up and down and squealed a little to get out my disgust, and then went back inside and dealt with it. The turkey was a little overcooked I think - and next time I'd add more spices. But we now have a ton of meat for leftovers.


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